In one of the most intense and potentially full of anxiety times in my lifetime to date, I am also struck by what is also possible for our WE.
WE can come home and truly BE with the ones we love, without distraction.
WE can fully recognize that we truly affect the health of one another and get within our cells how deeply connected we all are whether we are in the same room, airplane, church, concert hall, sports arena etc or not.
WE can take the time now to clean up what needs to be cleaned up at home, and/or within ourselves, and/or within our closest family relationships.
WE can do what’s necessary to strengthen our own immune systems by eating well, moving when possible, meditating (a lot!), supplementing if you need that, and practicing any other rituals we know are important for our health.
WE can do what’s socially responsible to strengthen the immune system of the collective by practicing and adhering to what is being recommended by the medical and scientific community.
WE can practice that we can love deeply and send love deeply from afar.
WE can practice true love and compassion for ourselves by bathing any fear based reactions in our systems with LOVE.
WE can trust that even at the worst of times (no matter what that looks like for any of us!) there is a lesson to learn from everything we go through together and apart.
WE can stand strong because WE are a WE!