In her workshops, presentations and keynotes, Alexandra Joy Smith coaches and develops women in the art and science of what it takes to create the kind of connection, clarity, certainty and courage that transforms them into bold, decisive action takers once and for all…She is committed to women SHINING in a life they love now!


Alexandra Joy Smith brings a lifetime of study with some of the greatest teachers in transformation, spirituality and empowered living into her work with powerful women who yearn to connect to and live their dreams from their divinely inspired purposes on the planet.

She has a BA in psychology, life coaching certifications and 25 years of experience in health and wellness and is on a mission to empower women to rock the world with their dreams and purposes so they can shine in a life they love.


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Alexandra can speak on various subjects. Popular topics include…


How would you rate where you are in relation to where you want to be in your life? How big is your gap? Are you clear about your mission, vision and values? Do you even understand how getting clear about them can relate to creating a life you love? All of these questions will not only get cleared up for you during this powerful session, but as an emerging leader, you will walk away with tools that will empower you and leave you in inspired action now!


To Rise is to do what it takes to be who you were meant to be whether you feel like it or not. Rising is to be big, bold and bright no matter where we are in our lives. Learn what it takes to start showing up powerfully and rising to your calling. In this presentation, participants will leave with the 12 essential elements of what it takes to Rise – no more playing small! It’s Your Time!


Do you have a set of Rituals in your life? Do you meditate, eat well, exercise? Alexandra will have you discover exactly what rituals are with no guilt trip included. You will leave knowing why Rituals are so important for our empowered mission and purposes to become realized. Learn what Alexandra’s favorite recommended rituals are and how to implement them in a fun and simple way to really embrace them as part of YOUR life and support you on your path towards your why, purpose, vision and values.


Ask yourself if you are ready to truly radiate with certainty, clarity and courage in the world. Radiance is defined as light emitted by or reflected by something. Well, as a powerful woman and leader you can truly rock this world with who you are and what you are here to do on this planet. Get connected to your WHY and be inspired in this session to access your radiance through a 12-step process which is not only fundamental to leadership but fundamental to what it takes to create a life you love. Get ready to truly radiate!


Learn a step-by-step process that inspires, activates and empowers the kind of breakthroughs that lead to clarity, certainty, true courage and magnificent living. Whether you are an emerging leader looking to manifest more fulfillment in your own life and career, or you’re interested in what it takes to produce lasting results for the people around you, understanding the pathway for creating and maintaining breakthroughs is the key to your joy & fulfillment. This session will leave you totally empowered and clear that when you learn the art of creating breakthroughs anything becomes possible!


There are some key distinctions that it takes to really SHINE in your life with certainty. One of them is knowing what your core values are and creating your life to be in alignment to them. Your values are your guiding principles and being clear about your core values is fundamental to creating a life you love. When you are living a life you love you can then contribute to others (your students) at the highest level. In this session, you learn about the 13-step Dr John Demartini Values Determination Process that is like no other values discovery process out there. Come to this session ready to be empowered with clarity so that you can bring to all aspects of your life.


“Know thyself”; “To thine own self be true.”  Waking up to who you really are can sometimes be an inconvenient and uncomfortable process. You might not want to admit what you really want in your life. You might not want to let go of what is truly in the way of you creating a life you love. You might have to confront that you are more interested in complaining than really doing what it takes to be your best self now! This presentation will cover some of the biggest breakthroughs in neuroscience and have you see how our brains are wired to stay safe and asleep rather than to step up and step out. Get ready to ask if you are willing to let go of a life predictability for the possibility of being filled with joy? If you are ready to make some true shifts in your life then this is the workshop for you. If not, then just stop complaining about not having what you want!


The Enneagram Personality Typing System is one of the most powerful tools around for your personal discovery, growth and development. It is based on a study of nine basic personalities that we can develop; much of which gets developed at very young ages to cope with our environments. By working with the Enneagram, we can develop alternatives to our predictable patterns of behavior. When you get your type on a visceral level, you get your hands on the levers and dials of your personality so it is not running you. You can have access to your power and choice in the matter of your life.