Rock Your Resolutions With Passion & Purpose Intro

Rock Your Resolutions With Passion & Purpose Intro…Join this free 45 minute Webinar to learn the key factors in what your life can be like living from your highest Purpose and highest values.

Thursday February 19th at 5pm PST / 8pm EST

Where are you with your Resolutions for 2015 so far? If you made any, are you inching closer to realizing what you intended to accomplish? Did you choose goals in the area of health, fitness, significant relationships, work, family etc?

REALLY- ASK YOURSELF HONESTLY. How is the fitness program going that you said you wanted to start? The diet? The new way of being you might of chosen at work or even the new job? The new relationship you wanted or the improved one? Etc?

Why do we act on the things that inspire us and don’t act on the things we think we have to do? You drink green juices, do yoga, meditate sometimes and still may not be clear about what is really important in your life. Most people resolutions or goals do not get realized because they are “have to’s” or good ideas imposed on themselves by themselves or others. Then we try and “motivate” ourselves into taking steps towards accomplishing goals.

Bottom line is our resolutions won’t work, our goals won’t work, ALL of our well intended planning in relation to imposed goals won’t work unless they come from an internal, intrinsic state of inspiration not external motivation. Motivation is relying on what is outside of you to create inspiration. Motivation is waiting to be inspired by someone else, my something else like a resolution you impose on yourself. Inspiration is being inspired from within and occurs in the higher levels of our executive function areas of the brain. In the state of inspiration there is more certainty, vitality and focus present. Essentially, It is an inside- to- outside game!

How do I become inspired from within? You get up close and personal with yourself and determine what is most important to you. What are most important to you are your VALUES and your highest value is your HIGHEST PURPOSE.

Our values are what really matter to us and what truly drive our day-to-day living.

Personally, I have been on the path of authentic transformation for over 30 years and had no idea that a big piece of the puzzle of creating a life you love was getting crystal clear about my core values.   I was exposed to Value determination in corporate was even a part of creating them in some of the organizations I worked in. I experienced idealized values getting put in a frame and placed on the company walls. But those types of “idealized’ Values often never worked to create company culture that aligned with them. Big lofty Values like integrity, service and contribution are great to have but have very little application when it comes to our day to day running of a company or the day to day living of our lives.

It wasn’t until I had my own breakthrough with my values when I got clear about the power of being clear about them as they relate to my life that my life really transformed. At first I thought one of mine was “truth” and though I love authenticticy as a way of being and really like to be truthful, authenticity and truth had no real practical application in my life. But health and beauty does as I noticed that no matter what I work out at least 45-60 minutes a day. Transformation and Transformational Coaching is truly my highest value, which is why I am passionate about sharing all that I have learned about Value Determination. My highest value of transformation is my highest purpose…it is my inspired destiny to fulfill on! Once I got clear about that everything changed in my life.

Living on Purpose from our highest values gives us our energy, our vitality and a true connection and alignment to others and ourselves. We do not need to be motivated by some imposed goals (New Year’s resolutions) into living a life we love, instead we need to get clear about our deepest and most authentic values. They are as unique to us as our DNA. Isn’t it time to be clear about what really matters to you? Make 2015 the most magical year you have ever had by getting clear about your top three Values, which will truly leave you understanding and living that “anything is possible” in your life!

Join us for this free 45 minute Webinar on how to align the Value of discovering your Values and choosing your Resolutions from there. This is an organic process that once you master you will never impose another goal on yourself again!

What you’ll get from this call:

  • An understanding of the value of values
  • An understanding of why our well-intentioned resolutions so often fail
  • A knowledge of what really motivates you
  • Clarity on how to discover your true values
  • An understanding of how your values relate to your highest purpose
  • An understanding of how living your highest purpose will transform your energy, vitality and true connection

Learn how to find profound clarity about what really matters to you – often it is not what we think… Let’s create Clarity, Certainty & REAL Choice in 2015!

Thursday February 19th at 5pm PST / 8pm EST


“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far then you ever dreamed yourself to be.” Pantajali

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